

1. System

First sub-tab is named “System”. In upper left corner there is displayed information about system update (if there are none then it says system is up to date). Underneath there are buttons for clearing cache of the site, data base and notices. They are used for system conservation. Its good to delete them from time to time.
In the middle there is information showing number of elements in the system(“Pages”, “Files”, “Images”, “Logs”). Underneath there are “stripes” with values how much space each element takes.
Right column is used to display last logged users and errors (error 404 and system errors).

2. Statistics

Statistics just like any statistics show movement on our website. From main graph showing change of users over time to data about number of visitors to each page. We can't do anything here, but follow all the data and interest in our website.

3. Notifications

Notifications Panel is one of the most important parts of the system. It displays all the important things considering new updates, licenses and suggestions to turn on certain functions (f.e. Cache) to improve speed of the site. Notices are also displayed in red field on the left side from Users name. We can delete notices by button on the right side or all together (sub-tab system-> button “clear notices”).

4. Logs

On the left side are 3 blocks regarding:
”number of logs” - displays number of noted logs
"types" – displays types of noted logs
  • "1" - error 404
  • "2" – successful login
  • "3" – login error
  • "10" - update
  • "91" – users domain is not answering polling from updateServer
  • "99" - system error
"Logs cleaning" – there 3 buttons with which we can decide from which period logs should be deleted.
On the right side there is list of errors with the type, information, date and number of events, split with for those from last 3 day and all other.

5. Backup

In this sub-tab we can create a backup copy of our system. Just click “Create backup copy” wait a moment and the same tab will appear split into two columns. Left- list of backups, right – button to create next copy. Restoring of the system to the version from backups is done by button placed next to the each backup.

6. Update

In this sub-tab history of updates is displayed (block on the right). If system is up to date, in the left block information that “System up to date Your system is up to date.” will appear, if there is not button to update. 

7. License

In this sub-tab there is a field for entering keys, which will be generated by administrator. Thanks to those keys You'll have additional options and permissions. After entering the key in licesne field, click “activate license”. A window will appear similar to the one from installation. Then You've to relog nad enjoy new upgraded version of the system. 


Here We have a list of constants :
  • "cache" – Turns on Cache which significantly improves efficiency of the system and puts less strain on the server, lowering the loading time of website(recommended)
  • "inPlaceEditor" – turns on editor allowing editing straight on the website
  • "cacheLife" – sets length of life for the cache in seconds
  • "cacheResources" – decides if cache is supposed to include css and js files (recommended after editing of graphic style is done)
Editing of this value is done by a button next to the constant. On the right a form appears. We have a choice between valuse: (0) no and (1) yes. Then we save the changes and it should be working.

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Since the release of Windu 3.0 we have we have done a lot of stuff to our CMS. The most important event in the near future will be the upgrade to version 3.1, which means a...

2014-03-25 Windu 3.0 - list of changes

After many months of challenges, new version of our CMS is finally out! We've decided to drop the idea Windu 2.4 and go for 3.0 straight away due to amount of changes...

2013-06-17 Update - Windu CMS rev 1432

New Windu CMS update is available for download at update server! Update includes several changes in our system: Pinning of tabs - allows fast navigation between open...

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